Nature and Environment

This page lists websites which advocate protection of the natural environment, and are actually working toward that goal. They provide opportunities for individuals to become actively involved in these efforts. Protection of the world's forests is especially important because they help to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and replenish its oxygen, which helps to fight global warming. Forests also provide habitat for wildlife, including many endangered species, and in addition are the source for many medicinal plants. Unfortunately, human activities have spread diseases and pests into new areas of the world where native animals and plants have little natural resistance and are thus susceptible to their harmful effects. Climate change can also have adverse effects on plants and wildlife. Many rare and threatened tree species can now only be found in remote forests far away from civilization.

Another major threat to the environment is industrial activity which releases toxic fumes into the atmosphere and dumps poisonous chemicals into lakes, rivers and the ocean. The problem continues to worsen as the world's population expands and forests are destroyed to make space for buildings and farms. Even today, despite the obvious damage to the environment, many governments encourage rampant economic development while showing little regard for its future consequences. Some large countries, such as the United States, have created environmental protection agencies, but their powers are often limited. On the other hand, many large private organizations have undertaken programs to save still-unspoiled areas by purchasing the land itself and holding it in perpetual trust for the future.

Other positive developments of recent times include the creation of new national parks and other protected areas, expansion of existing protected areas, and better enforcement of laws against poaching. Scientific studies are also leading to a better understanding of the mutual dependence of difference species on each other, and how the decline of one species can have ramifications throughout the natural world. Other encouraging developments include the introduction of more efficient farming methods and greater use of recycled materials.

Earth Trust - Earth Trust is an international conservation organization devoted to the preservation of the natural environment. Its members believe that the practical long-term protection of habitat must realistically deal with commercial interests on an international scale. Where possible, the organization sets up programs which enable governments and corporations to assist in the work of protecting wildlife. In some cases it has successfully achieved results by publicizing crisis situations. Earth Trust was founded in 1976 and is a non-profit organization.

World Bird Sanctuary - The mission of this non-commercial organization is to secure the future of all bird species in their natural environments. Founded in 1977, it doesn't limit its operations to any particular region of the world. Its programs include field studies, rehabilitation, and captive breeding. The organization also operates a wildlife hospital for the treatment of sick or injured birds.

EarthSave International - The goal of this non-profit organization is to help protect the environment, and also improve general welfare, by influencing the shopping choices that people make, especially with regard to food and diet. Members of the organization believe that less meat consumption would not only improve the general health of the world's population, but would also increase the overall efficiency of total food production, which would help eliminate hunger and reduce damage to the environment. The organization operates a "Meals For Health" program, which encourages a lifestyle and plant-based diet that has been proven to reverse serious diseases, get subjects off medication, and greatly improve an individual's quality of life.

Earth First - This group, started in 1979, is one of the major voices of the environmental movement. Its basic goal is to protect the earth from human exploitation and destruction. Members of the group believe that life exists for its own sake, and that industrial civilization is inherently anti-Earth, anti-woman and anti-liberty. Associated websites report the latest news from the ecological defense movement along with links to the original sources. The group also produces periodic news letters which are free for anyone to read, print and distribute.

Saving Our Seed - This purpose of this organization is to save old heirloom seed varieties that are no longer available commercially. Working with farmers in the southeastern United States, it collects, propagates, and stores seeds of historically important crops of the region. The organization receives funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and various Universities.

Center for Plant Conservation - According to this site, almost 30% of the native plant species of the United States are endangered or threatened. Unless efforts are made to save them, many of these species could disappear within our lifetime. More than half of the threatened species have potential value as sources for forage, human food, disease-resistant genes, and erosion control. On this site you can find information about threatened species native to your own area and about any local organizations that are working to save them. There is also information about threats from invasive plant species, alien diseases, and commercial land development. Visitors to the site can sign up for a newsletter containing reports on various conservation efforts and government actions. The Center for Plant Conservation, founded in 1984, is a network of 36 botanical institutions. Together, these institutions grow live specimens of more than 700 imperiled species, maintaining collections of seeds and cuttings for possible future restoration efforts.